The Unit G-1 PREMIUM LOT AREA SHOWN BELOW is located in the eastern portion of the Park near the railroad loop.

To get there, take Forbes Park Road to the south ( second) Emery Loop and then take Carey Lane to Lutolf and go to the two cul de sacs on Lutolf and Towey Place.

Of the eight parcels we originally had available,  seven of them were classified as premium lots. All seven adjoin open space, with three of them next to Wagoncreek and the railroad track, One or more tourist trains pass on that track during Spring, Summer and Fall. Across the track is Forbes WagonCreek, where most parcels are 40 acres or larger. Power is presently one mile away ($50,000) but if several owners join together, the cost to bring power to this area can be reduced to under $10,000 per lot. Also, with a 5-year time frame for building, there is a good likelihood that power will be in the area by then. There are several log homes and cabins in the area that use solar power. These parcels have a lifetime supply of firewood. Forbes Park requires spark screens to reduce the fire hazard. Most residences and some cabins in Forbes Park have a propane tank served by several propane vendors. Propane refrigerators, propane freezers, propane hot water heaters, and of couse propane stoves and ovens are often used. Some owners with solar power systems will use a propane generator as a back-up, or when the demand exceeds the limit of the batteries.


This photo is from the 1659, 1660 and 1661 Area
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Lots 1661,1663 & 1664 are sold

1659, 1660,1661, and 1664 are sold

1652 and 1653 are more open ( on Carey Lane)

Premium Lots in Forbes Park are usually next to the Common Area and Open Space.
Some premium lots are just extra large. When Forbes sold the Forbes Park properties between 1972 and 1982, they classified around 700 parcels (out of a total of 3600) as premium lots. Forbes sold these for considerably higher prices. While most regular lots sold for $6,500, premium lots sold for prices all the way up to $25,000.  Some of the parcels with frontage on Forbes Park Lake fell in this highest price category. Most of the super premium lots are taken and several now have expensive homes. Others are in firm hands and not for sale. Wolfgang estimates that there are 250 Forbes Park Lots for sale in the Fall of 2008, with less than 40 premium lots.  Assessor's valuation for premium lots is higher and property taxes are 50% higher than regular lots. Association dues are the same.
Since Forbes Park is at elevations between 9,000' and 10,000', mountain views are not as dramatic, as in the Valley below, where the mountains rise 7,000' above the Valley floor. Since premium lots are usually adjoining large alpine meadows,  the views are often outstanding. The surrounding mountains and ridges are not obstructed and elk and other wildlife can be observed. 

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                   DESCRIPTION                                                                                    SIZE CASH    FINANCED   TERMS   

SOLD! 4/9/16

FP Unit G-1 Block 86, Lot 1659(Drive)




Prem lot - across from Greenbelt

G1 1652, 1653, 1659 and 1660 Panoramic View


View from G1.1661
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View from G1.1659 and G1.1660
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Click for larger size
G1.1659-2 Acres-
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G1.1660--2.1 Acres
Click for larger size
G1.1660-2.1 Acres--
Click for larger size

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