Got Land for Sale? Please call 720-227-7555
To get an appointment - check our calendar to see
our availability. You can also call our Boulder office (720) 227-7555, or email us via the Contact Us Page. When you schedule, we will need your contact information - phone number and email address and where you think you
will be staying. We require you to confirm via phone 24 hours in advance.
It is important for all of our visitors with appointments to call us when they arrive in the area. If
a conflict arises as far as the appointment, please let us know ASAP, so that we can release that time slot to someone else.
During the winter months, appointment times are subject to weather conditions.
Wolfgang taking photos of some flowers |
Wolfgang and Karen hunting Mushrooms 7.15.17 |
SawMill proposed for Blanca area
Finally moisture with rainbows |
from Costilla County-August 9, 2013- Wettest Summer in many years.. – The Monsoon season brought major moisture to Costilla County
and two days ago, a major thunderstorm dumped 1" per hour . It is greener than it has been for years and the flowers
are blooming in the Valley . In the high country, alpine flowers are in full glory. Wolfgang has been coming to Costilla
County since 1968 and all of those years, he can only remember two other summer periods with flooded , washed out roads that
kept the road crews busy repairing washouts and digging holes to divert water standing in low spots.
Rd Most Colorado Counties have changed their Land Use Code. One of the
biggest changes concerns long-term parking of travel trailers. Use of such temporary housing during construction of a residence is
allowed, if waste disposal and trash removal is according to state and county regulations, this usually does not present a
problem. In Covenant restricted developments, the usual time limit to finish the outside of new construction is one year,
and that usually can be extended up to two years. But living in temporary housing for many years is prohibited by many of
the new Land Use Codes. We looked at the Teller County Land Use Code, and it is extremely restrictive about leaving temporary
housing on an owner’s property un-attended. Under that code, it is ok to vacation in an RV for several
weeks, but it is prohibited to leave the RV un-attended for more than 3 days. Sattler Mountain Land and several other SLVR and SDCR land owners would like to have an
input on the New Costilla County Land Use Code, with a draft supposedly available during April. . We plan to have our input
at public hearings to discuss the proposed land use code. It is our position, than most of Costilla County’s recreational
land is owned out of state and these land owners need minimal restrictions on recreational use of their property.
There are over 70,000 properties on the tax rolls, with about 500 permanent residences in Forbes Park, SDCR and SLVR.
(Another 800 to 900 residences are occupied by natives, with most of them living in San Luis, Fort Garland and Blanca).The main point we are making is that the influx
of new residents from other states is just keeping up with older generation passing. Many times, retirees
move here in their 50’s and 60’s and often the males will pass on and their spouse will move back to her children
and grandchildren. We have many of such homes for sale, and barely enough people interested in purchasing
a second-hand home. We need the recreational land owners for our tax base.We do not want to frighten them away with over-bearing restrictions. At the present time, an estimated 150 travel trailers and RV’s
are permanently parked on Sangre De Cristo Ranches Properties. Some of them are tucked away in the trees.
Some are right next to main roads such as Forbes Road, Juarez Road and County Lane 6. There is one ancient travel trailer
parked in SDCR Unit J-2 on Gianelli Rd that has been sitting there for more than 30 years. Wolfgang has
not seen a car parked there in the last 20 years. Many times those abandoned units present a health hazard
after mice take over. Occasionally there are kids and vandals that will damage the windows or damage the
doors, which then will stand open and flop in the wind. One of the proposals in the new land use code is to have a mechanism
to ticket abandoned personal property, as a public nuisance. After the owner has been served with this
ticket and has been given 45 days to clean up the site, the County can hire a contractor to do the site clean-up and place
a lien against the property for the cost. We fully support such a change in the Land Use Code. .. There
are several other issues that we are fighting for: requiring a 600 sq. ft. minimum size for high country
cabins with only seasonal access, which was one interpretation of the SDCR Covenants. Another erroneous
interpretation of the SDCR and Forbes Park Covenants pertains to dis-allowing manufactured homes. Those
Covenants were written 50 years ago, when there were only mobile homes with many substandard manufacturers. We
are trying to represent our customers and future customers to keep regulations from destroying their enjoyment of their recreational
The tourist train trip
is available from Alamosa to La Veta, with the tracks
going right by our ULazyU, San Luis Valley Ranches Lots, the little towns of Blanca and Fort Garland, then through the Sangre
De Cristo Ranches Area, the Forbes Park Gated Community and the Forbes Wagon Creek Area to La Veta. After lunch in La
Veta, the train returns the passengers back to Alamosa. Jane put a link to the reservation page on our LINKS
page. You can get a reservation there and see the prices and times.
The Blanca-Fort Garland Community Center (called the "Country Club"by the locals),
has a 25 meter solar heated pool, a hot tub, dry sauna and shower facilities. The facility offers exercise equipment
and a running track. Admission is $1.50 per trip, or $25/year.
The Sangre de Cristo area has 400 miles of roads - some of them at 12,000 ft. elevation.
In the spring, summer, and fall all of these roads are open and in good shape- perfect for mountain bikes and ATV's.
From the Alamosa Courier June 16, 2012- news of Trinchera Ranch Owner
Louis Bacon donating 90,000 acres of land as a conservation easement Click Here for full article
Click the link below to see a Denver Post article regarding the San Luis Valley Power line with
a map. (Date 11/20/10)
Sattler Colorado Mountain Land-9906
E. Hawaii Pl., Denver, CO
Phone: 720-535-5297 Email:
wasattler@comcast.net ALL TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHS, WITH