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Blanca is a little town with a population of about 400 and about 100 residences.  It has two small grocery stores, two restaurants,  a bar, a liquor store, a service station and several churches.  The Mt. Blanca Massif is about  5 miles to the north with four peaks above 14,000'.  From Blanca, it is 21 miles to Alamosa, four miles to Fort Garland, and 20 miles to the Costilla County seat - San Luis.  Between the town of Blanca and the Blanca Massif lies the northern portion of the San Luis Valley Ranches (SLVR) with about 2,500 five acre lots.

Town of Blanca-
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These town lots in Blanca are about 1/2 mile north of Hwy 160.  They are located in Block 28 which is bounded by Smith Avenue on the west, 14th Street on the north, Broadway to the east, and 13th Street to the South.  Each lot is 50' wide by 140' deep and there is an alley between the north and south half of the block.  Because they are small, I will only sell them in pairs, as shown.
All utilities are available from the town.  For questions about utilities, building permits, building requirements, etc. -- you should contact the Blanca Town Clerk, Jean Butler at 719-379-3461.  They also have a website that you can access for other information. 
All four Blanca Town Lots below have been sold to Jaroslaw & Dorota S. of New Jersey . There are none available at this time.

Blanca Block 28, Lots 6 and 7-------$4,900  Cash or $5,200 with financing-$2,200 Down, $141/mo for 24 months
Blanca Block 28, Lots 9 and 10--------$4,800Cash or  $5100 with financing-$2,100Down, $141/mo for 24 months

Looking north across Lots 13 and 14
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Looking north from town lots
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Aerial View of Blanca Block 28
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Looking South from lots
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Looking west along 13th St. toward San Juan Mts.
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Another view from Smith and 13th
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Looking SE toward Sangre De Cristo Mts.
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The town of Blanca
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Blanca Post Office


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